“Stupid Girl” by: Cindy Miles

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 Book Description
After her senior year of high school leaves behind nothing but heartache, Olivia Beaumont is sure of this: She’s no stupid girl. She sets out for Winston   College, promising herself that she will remain focused on her first and only love – astronomy. But all it takes is cocky sophomore Brax Jenkins and an accidental collision with a football, to throw her entire year off course. A quick-tempered Southie who escaped the inner city streets of Boston to pitch for Winston, Brax is known to play way more fields than just the baseball diamond. So, when his name is drawn to take part in his fraternity’s hazing dare, Brax eagerly accepts the mission to take Olivia’s virginity. But he doesn’t plan on falling hard for the sweet and sassy Texas girl who sees right through his bad-boy persona. As Olivia and Brax battle their feelings for each other, echoes of the past year begin to surface. A boy who once turned Olivia’s whole world upside down reappears, and “harmless” pranks wreak havoc. Pretty soon the aspiring astronomer is on the verge of revealing her most difficult, heartbreaking secret. All the while, Brax must wrestle with the irrevocable dare, and Olivia struggles against all logic as she does the one thing only a stupid girl would do: fall in love.

Buy “Stupid Girl” by Cindy Miles on Amazon

The Koffee Crowd Review
Loved Stupid Girl so much.  NorthEast Boston boy meets SouthWest sassy Texan girl and a lot of smiling and crying. The book is mainly told from Olivia’s point of view with very few chapters from Brax’s pov. I love it when books include their male lead’s pov beacuse it allows the reader to have a full grasp on the characters and their personal story. 
The story starts a year in the past, with a traumatic event in Olivia’s life. Immediately after, we fast forward to present day, when Olivia is about to start college. That one event shapes so much of who Olivia is. Brax runs into Olivia on the move in day of college and tries very hard to catch her name. Brax is a hot with his Boston accent and the way he cares for and is protective of Olivia what’s not to love about this guy. I fell in love their banter, their texts, and just how honest and real they are with each other.

Great story, great writer and I can’t wait to read Vol 2. Stupid Boy



December’s Naughty and Nice Xmas Reads!

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Feeling Sweet or Spicy this holiday season? Check out our list and choose your side. Come on don’t be shy!

devil NAUGHTY  devil   angel NICE angel  

Sinners on Tour Series
by: Olivia Cunning

Master of The Shadowlands
by: Cherise Sinclair


Love Like Crazy
by: Megan Squires

Married for Christmas Series

by: Noelle Adams
The Crossfire Series
by: Sylvia Day

The Ross Sibling Series
Unleashed (book 1)
by: Cherrie Lynn


The Keller Family Series
by: Bernadette Marie

Holiday Bride Series
by: Ginny Baird

Falling Into You
by: Jasinda Wilder

The Alabama Series
by: J. Daniels 
Where I Belong (book 1)


Six Days Earlier (prequel)
by: David Levithan

Waking Up Married
by: Mira Lyn Kelly


The RedHead Series
by: Alice Clayton

The Choclate Lovers Series

by: Tara Sivec
My Life Next Door

by: Huntley Fitzpatrick

True Love & Magic Tricks
by: Becca Ann
(A super cute YA novel)


All books by Abbi Glines are highly addicting! These books are the perfect blend of Sweet & Spicy!
Here are her popular series:

                  The Sea Breeze Series                The Rosemary Series            The Vincent Boys & The Vincent
                                                                                                                             Brothers collection

A Table for Three
by: Lainey Reese

Upside Down
Powerless (Novella 1)
by: Liz Gavin


Pillow Talk

by: Ruth Hartman
(Fairy quirky)

Chances Are
by: Traci Abramson
(pricey ebook but a very heartfelt story)

Meet the Baumgartners
by: Selena Kitt

by: Madeline Sheehan
Jane & Austen
by: Stephanie Flowers
(cute & cheesy novel)

OffBeat Love Stories and More
by: Jennifer Lafferty


8 year olds with Attitudes?

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If this applies to you then I’m sorry. I’m sorry you too must endure the highly hormonal and emotional roller coaster that are daughters and even some sons. Some days it’s a 3 yr old or 16 yr old teenager that possesses my 8 yr old daughter, whenever the mood strikes. To her life is so unfair, she’s bored all of the time regardless of the multitude of electronics, games, books and crafts that are overflowing her room. 
When it’s time for chores my daughter transofrms into a 3yr old. She throws herself on the floor whining (Mooomm whyy?? Do I have to?? It’s endless) . When things don’t go her way and she get’s upset, poof out comes the teenager. Stomping, slamming doors and all around brooding for the rest of whenever. 
No longer do I speak in a normal voice or ask for anything nicely. I’m officially the mom who’s normal tone over the years has become constant shouting or growling. Gone is soft-spoken mommy, she’s now mom the Grizzly. So sad, I wish I can turn back the clock and have my quiet infant once again.
AHH!! I was never this horrible as a child… at least I don’t think so? LOL!!
Nevertheless, even with her crazy moodsm she’s still defends her sister and friends from bullying and loves to show her appraication for her parents and for that i must say… it’s the little moments that count wink 



Every Soul (review)

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Every Soul 
By: LK. Collins

When you lose the one person who grounds your existence, your whole world changes. In life, it is said that everything happens for a reason. If that’s true, how can you explain death? Especially when it happens to someone so    young, so beautiful, and so innocent? My name is Bain Adams, and I struggle with these thoughts every day. I’ve been through hell and back, somehow surviving the unimaginable. My sister took her life six months ago, and now, what’s left is a shell of the man I once was, a shadow of the person I used to be. Do I miss that life? Absolutely. But I miss her more, every day. I pray time will ease the pain and help my suffering while I search for the answers…but so far, nothing. Happiness is something I knew so long ago, and now it’s nothing but a faint, distant recollection of the life I once had. My name is Arion LaSalle, and seven months ago my life was shredded to pieces when my fiancee disappeared while deployed. He never came home, burning a hindrance of pain and agony within my soul. For so long, I lived my life believing everything happens for a reason, until now. 
*This book is an Erotic Romance novel. It is not intended for those under 18 years of age.*

Our Review

First and foremost I will say that this book cover had me at HELLLOOO!!! Holy muscles cake! It’s so hot it deserves all 5+ steaming koffees. 
Every Soul is about the loss of a loved one and how they cope with that loss in different ways.
Bain pops pills and loss his ambition to play for the NBA due to the loss of his sister. Arion uses no strings attached sex as a way to keep her heart protected from losing everyone close to her including the loss of her fiance. I did enjoy the different POV’s including Bain’s sister Kinsey and the days leading up to her death. Moreover, I felt that the sex scenes overshadowed the story whenever Bain’s or Arion’s pov’s was getting more interesting. I know the author adds a lot of erotic scenes to her books which is great, I guess I just wanted more out of the characters other than the hot stuff. The book does end with an unbelievable WTF CLIFFHANGER. When I finished the book I was stunned into silence then felt like throwing my kindle across my bedroom. REALLY?!? I despise cliffhangers! With many books you can tell when a sequel is inevitable but with this book it completely got me. The last page of the epilogue, really? Ah!!

Ignoring the fact that is book left me hanging I did enjoy the story and it’s characters and rate this book 3.5 stars. I’m desperately waiting until 2015 for Every Soul‘s sequel EVERY HEART. 

It’s Not Thanksgiving Until…

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We all know Thanksgiving is a celebration of family togetherness, good food, drinking and oh yeah more food!
We also must not forget the memorable moments that make your Thanksgiving an unforgettable holiday year and year.

It's Not Thanksgiving Until:

  1. You first time turkey isn't burnt, frozen or dry as hell 
  2. Someone sets a pan on fire
  3. The 10 second rule is applied
  4. Your local Fire Dept has crashed your burning down the house party
  5. Someone gets nicked by a knife
  6. You have officially become Hostzilla!
  7. A fight breaks out between wives and husbands, mothers and daughters, dads and uncles and let's not forget your inlaws
  8. There's a glass of wine in your left hand and a turkey baster on your right
  9. Someone just has to bring up politics or religion
  10. There's a WTF moment and and O.M.G no they didn't!
  11. The kids and their dads have destroyed have the house
  12. You eat yourself into a coma 
  13. Someone has compliented your Thanksgiving feast by fart, burp or furniture break

Remember to have a Happy Thanksgiving! And don't worry you get a do-over on Christmas!

Colleen Hoover’s HOT Book Combo Sale!!

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OMG! Get them while they’re HOT!!! I know I will!!

Colleen Hoover’s “Maybe Someday”  and her new release “Maybe Not” on sale for less than $5.00 together!!
(Click on book covers to be directed to amazon for these great deals)

On Sale for $2.00  Reg. $7.99              On Sale for $2.99

The Koffee Crowd | Let’s Talk!

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The Koffee Crowd

The Koffee Crowd | Let’s Talk!.

We’re a group of likeminded individuals who like to talk about stuff we are obsessed about!

A place where we plead “OMG you gotta read this…” because the book was just that Freaking Awesome!

A place where bragging or complaining about your pregnancy, kids, pets and significant others is Perfectly Sane!

A place where tips on life, crafts, meals under 30 mins is always welcomed and appreciated!

A place where you can chat about Anything and Everything!

Lots of Luv,
The Koffee Crowd

Don’t be left out, be part of the crowd by Subcribing here

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Make a Healthier Choice!

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My family and I have changed our lives for the better. After watching many informative documentaries and doing personal research we have decided to make healthier food choices. We don’t always choose organic over non-organic. Even though organic is better, their high prices isn’t realistic for us. Instead we  just make healthier choices when it comes to our meals. We buy fresh fruits and vegetables from our local farmers markets, we’ve cut all meat except fish out of our diet and about 80% of processed foods (fresh bread is my weakness, I can never give up).
We have also decreased our intake of excesses sugar such as all candy, carbonated drinks and all fast-food franchises, etc…

I ‘ve always suffered from migraines and since changing what and how I eat, I’m happy to report that I haven’t had a single one not even a mild headache. I’ve got more energy and I feel less blah during the day. I blame all of those bacon cheese burgers. LOL
I’ve gotten my brother off the insane energy drinks and turned him into an avid juicer using only fresh fruits and veggies from regular supermarkets. He loves it and has even loss some weight. Go lil bro!!!
My sister is borderline diabetic and I’ve advise my parents on kicking her off the freaking candy. I mean gees. She’s been eating healthier foods to help strengthen her immune system. It’s a working process so we see what’s what in time 🙂

Now I am only sharing my own thoughts and wanted to express how proud I am of myself and my kids for sticking to our new way of life. It was a very crazy crying day when Halloween came around but we survived… barely. LOL!!

Just a couple of things I did want you to take notice are below and please feel free to share you own thoughts via post or comment on mine below.

  • It is a sad day when our country decided that (frozen)pizza served in our children’s school cafeterias is considered a vegetable. Pizza? Really?
  • True story: One afternoon I joined my kid for lunch at her school and I watched as two moms in front of us sat with their kids and ate fresh salads, carrots, celery and cucumber with some kind of dressing and had water as a beverage. Healthy stuff right? So please explain to me, while they ate the  it does a body good stuff were their children eating McDonald’s? Large size might I add.
    What’s wrong with that picture? Oh yeah, so it’s all good for you to eat healthy b/c you want to stay thin and blah, blah, blah… but you feed the kids crap food. Don’t they realize how stupid it looks… how all of that salt and sugar and fat they’re consuming in large quantities is hurting them.

I don’t know. I just have to live and let live right. It’s hard when obesity is the number killing in America. #1 that’s freaking unbelievable. We can change that statistic ladies. For you and your family the next time you’re at the supermarket Stop, Think and Buy Healthier. It just takes 1 step at time… 1 step at a time 🙂

Lots of Luv,


Nov’s free E-Books deals

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To save her brother from financial ruin, Piper Harland must do the one thing she swore she’d never do—return to the tiny island hometown where Ryan “West” Westlake crushed her heart. Piper is tough, resilient and a little wild—much like the remote and beautiful Stewart Island where she grew up. As a cop who’s part of the elite New Zealand Police National Dive Squad, bringing the dead back to their families still doesn’t stop the guilt she feels over her father’s drowning death. Now nine years later she’s obligated to return to a hostile community as the outsider, and forced to work with the man who was once her best friend and first lover. West is an Island man, through and through. As owner of the local pub, he lives and breathes the local community, and sure as hell can’t imagine living anywhere else. But most of all he refuses to ever fall for a woman like his flighty mother. He lost Piper once to give her the chance to fulfill her dreams of becoming a cop. But now she’s back for an unexpected visit to help her brother—his best mate. Maybe West wants her a little bit, maybe he can’t resist the temptation but can he fall in love with her?

Intended for audiences 18+ years

 Unlucky in love, Maddie LaRocque moves to Calgary at the urging of her college roommate. Maddie’s luck goes from bad to worse when she’s laid off from her job two months before Christmas. Undeterred, she sets up a gift wrapping business in the lobby of the Drummond Building in downtown Calgary where she meets Annie, a ten-year-old who has recently lost her parents. When Maddie falls into the arms of the building’s maintenance man it looks as though her luck is changing, but she soon learns that Brent isn’t who she thought he was.
Maddie’s roommate Lily hasn’t fared too well in the romance department either, having been used for her beauty and Asian heritage by a man in Calgary. The moment Chase Drummond spots Lily, he’s stunned by her beauty, but Lily resists his advances, unwilling to have her heart broken by the most eligible bachelor in town.
Will a young orphan girl be able to convince the two women that love is the best gift of all this Christmas?

Deals ends: December 5

A novel about chasing dreams, for better or worse, and living your love story.

Claire Linley is finally a bride! After nearly ten years with her college freshman sweetheart, Claire is going to become Mrs. Conner Whitley. She’s got her bridal magazines, is the biggest Martha Stewart fan, and subscribes to all the major wedding blogs. She’s been dreaming of this moment for years! How could planning her dream wedding be anything but perfect?
The easy-going and bubbly type, Claire will obviously have a blast planning, and with her fantastic group of girlfriends-made-bridesmaids she just can’t go wrong. Whether it’s wedding gown shopping, makeup trials, or cake-tasting, Claire’s friends are there in a pinch.
But how big does the pinch get? All Claire wants to do is get married, but at every turn something seems to go awry and she’s starting to lose it. How is a girl supposed to remain cool and collected when the pricey dream wedding planner isn’t turning out to be so dreamy? When DIY projects and the perfect venue are going up in smoke? How is Claire supposed to marry Conner when the special day that’s supposed to join them together, forever, is slowly tearing them apart?

Deal ends: November 25

Life for Riley ends when her young children die in her arms…victims of a global viral outbreak that claims the lives of everyone she’s ever known. Left to fend for herself with only a dog as her companion, she sets out on a journey to find others, leaving notes everywhere she goes…hoping that one day someone will come looking for her. When Riley meets the handsome yet mysterious Connor on the streets of Downtown San Diego, they form a bond unlike either has experienced before. When the things that go bump in the night turn out to be more than nightmares, the trio sets off for the mountains in search of an isolated resort where they can hunker down, away from the ominous shadows of the dead city streets. The peace and tranquility of the woods isn’t enough to keep the darkness away for long though and soon Riley and Connor are forced to accept that the World and the few people left alive in it will never be the same. The shadows of their past may haunt them forever…threatening to destroy what little dreams they have left of a future unless they fight to stay in the light and never lose their hope.

1/9: Family and Friends: The dog and I have left to find my Mom. Most of you know where her place is, the corner of 9th and F. I’ll leave a note there before I move on. Everyone here is…gone. I can’t stay. I’m not sure when or if I will come back here but leave a message anyway.
I hope you find me. – Riley

Today’s Free Kindle Deals

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When the girl next door… Meets the man of her dreams… At the wrong time.
Karen’s finally decided what she wants to do when she grows up. (So what if she’s thirty-four? Better late than never). Too bad it’ll mean leaving behind her new neighbour, who’s stirred up a different kind of grown up feelings. But when he rebuffs her attempt to have a fling before she leaves Wardham, Karen knows it’s for the best. A clean break, no messy emotional entanglements.
Intense and private, Paul has recently moved to Wardham for a more family friendly job, leaving behind a career as a homicide detective in the city. He only has his ten year old daughter a few nights a week, and he doesn’t want any distractions or drama while he tries to repair their relationship. But Karen is right next door, and everywhere he goes. His resolve to keep his distance only lasts until she needs a true friend in her corner, and he realizes he can’t imagine life without her.

In a war between the humans and the inhabitants of the sea—humans will lose. Xanthus Dimitriou—the most lethal Dagonian to rise from the ocean—is on a mission to save mankind from annihilation. But first there’s one small thing he needs to do… kill a beautiful young woman in a wheelchair. Killing her doesn’t start out as part of his plan. He entrenches himself deep in the human world. Aligning himself with his enemies, he prepares to send them to Triton to face their punishment. Then Sara Taylor rolls onto the scene. Xanthus knows at once she’s a criminal. And her crime? Being born. She’s a human/Dagonian half-breed, an abomination. Killing her should be an easy job. All he has to do is break into her apartment, slit her throat, and feed her body to the sharks. Simple, right? Wrong. If only she weren’t so beautiful, so innocent, so sweet… Saving the world may have to wait. It appears Xanthus has a woman to save. But protecting her may cost him his own life.

Jenny has exchanged life in the fast lane for freelance journalism and being a mum. She doesn’t look back. Why would she? A broken engagement to her fiancé Dave. A falling out with her parents. And a night in a hotel room best forgotten. Life is simple now. Jenny’s little boy, Charlie, is starting school, beginning to build a life independent from her. She needs to get her own back. Life, though, has other plans. When Charlie becomes ill, Jenny is forced to confront her past and all things she has turned from. But she will do anything for Charlie.

In the wake of being unceremoniously fired from her Manhattan-based copy editor position at a wine magazine, Hale Martin must now pack her bags and head to her grandmother’s funeral. She hasn’t been home to Haven Harbor, Florida, in five years, and still fragile from her recent divorce, her heart isn’t into putting up with her oddball family and the town she grew up in. Along with all the tears, flowers, and mystery ingredient casseroles, the funeral also brings painful memories and shocking secrets. Hale finds comfort in her appreciation of wine, her dream of being a novelist, and the rekindling of her friendship with her old high school crush, Jordan Valvano. In her search for answers, direction, and purpose, Hale just might find true love–and better still, herself.
Warning: this book contains adult situations with sexual content, drug and alcohol references, sexual situations, and language; 18+