Beauty By PinkerB

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As moms we can often be found in yoga pants, a t-shirt and our hair up in a messy bun.
We are often found struggling to balance nap time with us time.

Picking up various Legos, Barbies, Blocks from the floor, getting the laundry done, the dishes in the dish washer.
The word Beauty often gets lost in all that. 

Raising kids doesn’t leave us a lot of time for Mascara, Lipgloss and Hair Products.
Often times we don’t have the budget for it.
Cosmetics can be quite expensive….and the time do put it all together can be hard to obtain.

Join me every week (Wednesday’s) as I break down those amazing looks for half the cost!
Make-Up Reviews, Tips and Tricks. We will help find ways to put yourself together during nap time.
It is very important as moms to take time for ourselves, looking good makes you feel good. 

A little about me,

  • 30 Something Mom Of 2 Boys
  • Make-Up Lover
  • Ipsy Subscriber
  • Cosmetic Obsessed
  • Blog Author Living in Central Florida

Tune in next Wednesday!
