Stay At Home Mom vs. Working Mom

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“The working mom wishes she had more free time to be available to her child, and maybe have coffee after drop-off. And the nonworking woman would maybe like to have something that’s a reflection of her as an individual — a label that says she’s a capable, creative person who knows about more than just baby formula or after-school programs.


Stay-At-Home Mom
Being a staying at home mom is a joyous yet hair-pulling experience. When choosing to stay home don’t expect to take long bubble baths, afternoons naps or even having the time to read a book, it’s all a fairytale. Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you aren’t working.



Working Moms
When you choose to combine motherhood and career in any way, shape of form, there will always be trade-offs, sacrifices and compromises. What is crucial to your happiness as well as your ability to starve off guilt – is reconciling those trade-offs by being crystal clear about why you making them in the first place.
1. SAHM with school-age kids pat yourselves on the back because you can at least clean your home and run daily errands with your consistent naggers tagging alone for a few hours.   1. As a working mom to school-age kids they use the school hours to work part time because you realize you’d be miserable as SAHM and would make your children unhappy.
2. SAHM with toddlers… I’m sorry. I know what your going through. Yes it’s all cute baby talk and playtime but when your house is being overrun by dirty laundry, kitchen, baby gear and   etc… you consider completely cleaning one or two rooms a success.    2. Working moms with toddlers… when your child is in daycare at least your home is as clean as you left it that morning.
3. As a stay at home mom we unfortunately are subjected to the “Baby Brain” Syndrome. Baby Brain Syndrome is when a mother has become the leading expert in all things kiddy including but not limited to: knowing all of the words of the latest children songs, your new fav TV show has a squeaking baby chick named Chicka on the Sprout channel, the age group of the books you read don’t pass elementary level and you can hands down name every character of your kid’s fav Disney or Pixar movie. (My personal fav “Toy Story”)   3. Many working moms are limited to being with their children only on weekends or on days off. Don’t guilty, you should feel blessed your brain hasn’t turned to mush because of your beloved children. LOL! There’s no doubt you don’t know your kid’s top favorite shows, movies and songs but just feel lucky is not all you think about. Meetings, correspondences and office politics are your reprieve from the daily drone of baby talk.
4. Being home all day can be isolating so SAHM may have to put an extra  effort in searching for moms such as themselves. SAHM seek ways to have social/adult interactions by way of park play dates, book clubs, mommy night-outs or joining a mommy and baby class. (Guilty as charged on all accounts)   4. Working moms may have an easier time finding adult interaction because of the work force. Co-workers are seen daily and friendships are created through coffee breaks and lunch dates. Permitting your significant other is with your child, happy hour is another avenue used for social interactions.
5. The reality is that stay-at-home parents can have as much stress as working parents, if not more, depending on the age, temperament and number of kids.   5. Working moms go ahead, relish your solo commute to work or that quiet cup of coffee at your desk. If you were at home full-time, you might be lucky to shower in private.


8 year olds with Attitudes?

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If this applies to you then I’m sorry. I’m sorry you too must endure the highly hormonal and emotional roller coaster that are daughters and even some sons. Some days it’s a 3 yr old or 16 yr old teenager that possesses my 8 yr old daughter, whenever the mood strikes. To her life is so unfair, she’s bored all of the time regardless of the multitude of electronics, games, books and crafts that are overflowing her room. 
When it’s time for chores my daughter transofrms into a 3yr old. She throws herself on the floor whining (Mooomm whyy?? Do I have to?? It’s endless) . When things don’t go her way and she get’s upset, poof out comes the teenager. Stomping, slamming doors and all around brooding for the rest of whenever. 
No longer do I speak in a normal voice or ask for anything nicely. I’m officially the mom who’s normal tone over the years has become constant shouting or growling. Gone is soft-spoken mommy, she’s now mom the Grizzly. So sad, I wish I can turn back the clock and have my quiet infant once again.
AHH!! I was never this horrible as a child… at least I don’t think so? LOL!!
Nevertheless, even with her crazy moodsm she’s still defends her sister and friends from bullying and loves to show her appraication for her parents and for that i must say… it’s the little moments that count wink 




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When it comes to toddlers all i want to ask is why… WHY?!?
How is it possible that these little munchkins get into EVERYTHING!!!

ME:“Oh my god! Is that crayon streaks on the expensive T.V? The t.v isn’t a darn coloring book! Ahh!”
Toddler’s response: Just give mommy the most irresistible pouty face then hug my leg. “Mommy”
Me: Oh gees. She got me. Hook, line and sinker.

I am such a sucker. LOL!!
